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Organised crime threatening cultural heritage by trafficking irreplaceable artefacts

University of Queensland, 12 Feb 2025

The annual UQ Law School program is a collaboration with the University of Zurich (Switzerland), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Cologne (Germany) and this year’s host, the University of Ferrara in Italy.

Students from UQ have travelled to Ferrara to join their counterparts, leading experts and scholars in exploring the origins and movement of artefacts and antiquities, as well as the patterns and people involved in this crime type.

They are also examining the laundering and confiscation of proceeds, international and national legal frameworks, restitution and what more should be done to suppress such trafficking.

Seminar Series on Transnational Organized Crime: A University of Queensland–UZH Success Story

University of Zurich, 16 Feb 2024

The “Transnational Organized Crime” seminar series, addressing Bachelor and Master students, and jointly organized by UZH, the University of Queensland, and the University of Vienna, has successfully concluded.
This year’s interdisciplinary seminar focused on the issue of cybercrime and benefited from the additional participation of experts from the University of Cologne and the University of Ferrara, who became co-organizers of the seminar series in 2023. 

UQ law students examine cybercrime in international classroom

University of Queensland, 21 Feb 2024

Five UQ law students have participated in an international course on cybercrime in Zurich, Switzerland. 

Led by UQ Law School Professor Andreas Schloenhardt, the course is part of the flagship Transnational Organised Crime program offered by The University of Queensland in conjunction with the University of Vienna, the University of Zurich, the University of Cologne and the University of Ferrara.

"Every year, we choose a specific research topic of significance, with transnational organised cybercrime the focus this year,” Professor Schloenhardt said.

“This includes specific types of crime, the means and methods of online and computer-based offending, the involvement of organised criminal groups, international frameworks and national laws, as well law enforcement methods, prosecution, and prevention of cybercrime.”


Studenten der Universität Wien forschen im „international classroom“ an Cyberkriminalität

University of Vienna,14 February 2024

Fünf Studierende der Universität Wien nehmen in Zürich (Schweiz) an einem internationalen Kurs zum Thema „Cyberkriminalität“ teil. Der Kurs wird von Frau Univ.-Prof. Hon.-Prof. (UQ) Dr. Susanne Reindl-Krauskopf von der Universität Wien und Herrn Univ.-Prof. Hon.-Prof. (U:Vie) Andreas Schloenhardt geleitet und ist Teil des „Transnational Organised Crime“ Programm der Universität Wien, das in Zusammenarbeit mit den Universitäten Zürich, Queensland, Köln und Ferrara angeboten wird. Der Kurs ermöglicht es den Studierenden, die vielen Facetten des organisierten Verbrechens sowie die Gesetze und die praktischen Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung zu erforschen. Die Studierenden erhalten einen einzigartigen Einblick in globale Ermittlungstechniken sowie internationale Rahmenbedingungen des Strafrechts durch die Beteiligung internationaler Partner sowie durch Präsentationen von Experten.


Cybercrime | Tre dottorandi del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza di Unife partecipano al Transnational Organized Crime Program

University of Ferrara, 13 February 2024

Fra il 12 e il 17 febbraio si tiene all’Università di Zurigo il “Transnational Organized Crime Program (2023-24)”, dedicato al Cybercrime organizzato trasnazionale.

Anche l’Università di Ferrara partecipa al programma con tre dottorandi in Diritto dell’Unione europea e ordinamenti nazionali del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza: Giorgia Bussolin, Emma Turetta e Enrico Zannarini, lavoreranno insieme a studentesse e studenti delle Università del Queensland (Brisbane), Colonia, Vienna e appunto Zurigo, presentando i primi esiti delle loro ricerche su tematiche collegate alla cyber-criminalità organizzata transnazionale.

Shifty shades of grey: Why organised crime gangs have eyes on Australia

Brisbane Times, 3 March 2023

In an interview with the Brisbane Times, UQ Law School Professor Andreas Schloenhardt talks about the factors that make Australia a target of organised crime gangs. The article explores the complicated web of demand for illicit substances within Australia, the courting of high-stakes gamblers by casinos and the previous lack of a federal anti-corruption body. (click for more)


University of Queensland hosts the annual Transnational Organised Crime Program

University of Queensland, 3 March 2023

This month The University of Queensland hosts the annual Transnational Organised Crime Program – an international research and learning initiative. UQ News caught up with course convenor, Criminal Law Professor Andreas Schloenhardt from the School of Law, to get an overview. (click for more)



From the Godfather to bikie gangs: UQ course puts organised crime under the spotlight

University of Queensland, 22 February 2023

Organised crime is not just the stuff of Hollywood blockbusters. Large scale drug drops, arms trafficking and money laundering are very real in modern Australia – with our criminal justice system, like those overseas, often playing catch-up. This month The University of Queensland hosts the annual Transnational Organised Crime Program – an international research and learning initiative. (click for more)


Unife partecipa al programma "Criminalità organizzata transnazionale" in Australia

Universita degli Studi di Ferrara, 14 February 2023

Criminalità organizzata, procedura penale e carceri sono i temi al centro del “Transnational Organised Crime Program 2022–23”, iniziativa annuale di ricerca e apprendimento organizzata dalle Università del Queensland (Brisbane) in Australia, di Vienna e di Zurigo, che quest’anno vede partecipare anche docenti, studentesse e studenti delle Università di Ferrara e di Colonia.


Organised crime, criminal procedure, and prisons”: Wiener Studierende der Rechtswissenschaften arbeiten mit internationalen Partnern an Beiträgen zu Lösungen, um kriminelle Gruppierungen bei der Behinderung der Justiz aufzuhalten

ALES, Universität Wien, February 2023

Derzeit beherbergt die Law School an der University of Queensland (UQ) das ‘Transnational Organised Crime’ Programm, eine jährliche Forschungs- und Ausbildungsinitiative, die gemeinsam mit der Universität Wien und der Universität Zürich angeboten wird. In diesem Programm arbeiten Studierende gemeinsam mit wissenschaftlichen Experten und kommen mit nationalen Behörden und internationalen Organisationen in Kontakt, um die Bedrohungen durch organisierte Kriminalität zu untersuchen und Lösungen für den Kampf gegen diese zu erarbeiten. (click for more)


Illegaler Tier- und Pflanzenhandel und Artenschutz

Universität Wien, 11 November 2019

Schon mal vom Schuppentier gehört? Es ist das weltweit meist geschmuggelte Tier. Kaum verlässliche Zahlen gibt es aber für das Gesamtausmaß des illegalen Artenhandels. Warum umfassende Studien hier so wichtig sind und was jede/r Einzelne tun kann, erklären Monika Stempkowski und Andreas Schloenhardt. (click for more)


Krimineller Tierhandel

Unversität Zürich, 15 April 2019

Der illegale Tier- und Pflanzenhandel ist hoch profitabel und wenig riskant. Da die Gesetzeslage in vielen Ländern unübersichtlich und die Rechtspraxis lax ist, haben Kriminelle ein leichtes Spiel. Studierende der UZH suchen nach Lösungen für dieses Problem. (click for more)


Tackling wildlife trafficking with the world’s oldest zoo

The University of Queensland, 20 March 2019

A group of UQ Law students are joining forces to tackle wildlife trafficking with a new international university course. The University of Queensland Law School has partnered with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to develop university modules on wildlife, forest, and fisheries crime. UQ Law students joined their counterparts from the universities of Vienna and Zurich to trade knowledge and ideas and meet some of the endangered animals they’d be working to save. (click for more)


Forschungsbasiertes Lernen im “Joint Classroom”

Universität Wien, 26 November 2018

In einem Lehrprojekt unter der Leitung von Andreas Schloenhardt tragen Studierende zur Bewusstseinsbildung über Wildtier- und Forstkriminalität bei. Dabei arbeitet die Uni Wien mit dem Büro der Vereinten Nationen für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung sowie der University of Queensland und der Universität Zürich zusammen. (click for more)


Seminar „Transnational Organised Crime, Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in International Law and Domestic Practice

ALES, Universität Wien, September 2017

Vom 24. bis 29. September 2017 besuchten 7 Studierende der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien gemeinsam mit Studierenden der University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australien ein Seminar zum Thema „Transnational Organised Crime, Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in International Law and Domestic Practice“ an der University of Queensland. Dieses wurde von der Universität Wien in Kooperation mit der University of Queensland unter der Leitung von Prof. Susanne Reindl-Krauskopf und Prof. Andreas Schloenhardt organisiert.  (click for more)


Ein “Austrian-Australian” Classroom an der Universität Wien

Universität Wien, 23 November 2016

Jedes Jahr organisieren Susanne Reindl-Krauskopf und Andreas Schloenhardt ein internationales Seminar im Bereich Strafrecht und Kriminologie, das Studierende aus Wien und Australien zusammen bringt. Im Interview erklären die beiden den Mehrwert eines solchen Austauschs. (click for more)





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