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Organised Crime, Gambling and Criminal Law

In 2019-2020, the Transnational Organised Crime programme investigated the connection between gambling and crime, considering both their shared financial goals and the historical association between them, as evidenced by numerous reports, cases, and media portrayals. The study aims to explore and critically analyse the nexus between gambling, organized crime, and criminal law.

The research assesses the criminology and criminal law pertaining to illegal gambling, crimes committed to finance gambling, and the prevention of legal gambling forms being exploited by criminals. This includes illegal gambling types, money laundering in gambling establishments, and the intersection of gambling and organized crime, as well as emerging forms like online and sports betting.

Additionally participants explored the psychology of gambling, examining gamblers' motivations, problem gambling, personal, social, and financial repercussions, and strategies to prevent gambling-related issues and support those affected. Finally, the research reviews various regulatory frameworks worldwide, assessing how policymakers balance the profitability of gambling venues with the risks of criminal infiltration and problem gambling prevention.


Roman Ackerl

Levels, characteristics, and manifestations of illegal gambling in Austria

Tania Belkalem

Evidence and laws relating to money laundering through the gambling industry in Austria

Elinor Josephine Edem

Problem gambling as a factor determining guilt and sentencing

Margarethe Heller

Illegal sports betting (incl. bookmaking)

Thomas Wilkinson

Offences relating to illegal gambling in Australian criminal law (States and Territories)

Thilini Joseph

Evidence and laws relating to money laundering through the gambling industry in Australia

Johannes Kramml

Regulation of the casino industry in Austria

Anna Kretowicz

Crime committed to finance problem gambling

Gioia Künzler

Corruption and gambling

Phylicia Lim

Causes of problem gambling (gambling disorder)

Brigitte McLeod

Junkets in Australian Casinos: The 2019 Crown Casino Scandal

Krystal O’Donnell

Profile of gamblers in Australia

Arnaud Schmidely

Evidence and laws relating to money laundering through the gambling industry in Switzerland

Eleanor Taylor

International standards relating to money laundering through casinos (esp. the FATF Recommendations)

Michael Weber

Offences relating to illegal gambling in Swiss criminal law

Nadja Weinberger

Regulation of poker machines in Vienna, Austria

Maximilian Weninger

Illegal prize fighting involving persons (incl. historical perspectives)
