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Trafficking in Weapons and Arms Material

Trafficking in arms and weapons material is, perhaps, one of the most notorious forms of organised crime, not least because of traditional concepts linking criminal organisations to threats and violence as well as to the international arms trade. Criminal organisations are widely believed to engage in the trafficking of firearms, ammunition, military equipment, weapons material, including nuclear material. However, many of the conceptions about this industry have been fuelled by the movie industry and mass media, and are not always backed up by real world examples. Importantly, corruption and other forms of collusion with government entities play an important role in enabling and facilitating trafficking in arms and weapons material, as do links between criminal elements and the arms industry.

In 2020-2021, participants in the Transnational Organised Crime programme explored trafficking in arms and weapons material in all its dimensions, including the international and national legal frameworks against this phenomenon, its levels and characteristics in selected places, and enforcement and industry measures adopted to prevent and suppress this illicit trade.


Lisa Armberger

United Nations Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components, and Ammunition

Jackson Briant

Law enforcement and investigation measures relating to trafficking in firearms: a toolkit of international best practice

Lukas Bucher

International law relating to illegal trade in weapons material and military equipment (excluding firearms and firearms ammunition): An Overview

Martin Cattaneo

Organised crime and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components, and ammunition

Béatrice Haag

Criminal offences in Swiss law relating to illegal trade in military equipment and weapons material

Zeynep Kologlu

The Arms Trade Treaty

Niall McKenna

Corruption and trafficking in arms and weapons material

Ella North

Levels, characteristics, and regulations concerning firearms and ammunition manufacturing and sale in Australia

Isabelle Orazio

Definitions of arms, weapons, military equipment, ammunition et cetera: concepts and controversies

Stephanie Salzgeber

Criminal offences in Swiss law relating to illegal trade in firearms and ammunition

Shannon Sangiorgio

Levels and characteristics of the illegal trade in military equipment and weapons material in Europe

Chloe Scriggins

International law relating to illegal trade of nuclear material

Leo Seidl

Criminal offences in Austrian law relating to illegal trade in firearms and ammunition

Gareth Ward

Mandate and work of the IAEA concerning illegal trade in and criminal use of nuclear material

Joshua Weiss

Gun-related crime in Switzerland: overview and recent developments
